Friday, April 6, 2007

Trading Techniques

Automated trading gives most traders their best chance for success in forex, but it's not the only element of a successful trading record. Traders must know how to apply automated trading techniques and be willing to manually manipulate trades when possible. Combining these two methods – mechanization and discretion – is the path to profitable trading.


* Learn about different ways to use automated trading.
* Analyze systems to gauge their suitability for automated trading.


* Build engines to see how they execute in an automated environment.
* Experiment with manual manipulation of trades with automated tools.
* Take your results live and succeed.


Test-drive FX Engines for free online at to see the power of system building, system testing, and system automation.


The Forex Report is a periodic publication that investigates advanced strategies for superior trading performance in the foreign exchange markets. These reports utilize advanced statistical and econometric modeling techniques to create new insight into the trading strategy of the average trader. This Data Brief, When to Trade, is intended for all audiences, including those new to the forex market.

To learn more about The Forex Report or to register for delivery of all future reports by email, including Case Studies & Data Briefs, please visit

The Holy Grail of trading – does it exist? Yes, and its name is Hard Work! All of the debates surrounding the value of hard work vs. automation miss one main point – automation is hard work! Automated trading is not an end in itself, but a tool that immeasurably helps traders cope with the unique demands of the forex market. Once you've made the choice to pursue automated trading, you'll find a wealth of new trading techniques at your disposal.

The first impression of most traders is that automated trading creates a system where a "robot" takes over and makes all of the trading decisions, then executes them. Another version has the trader crafting the strategy and leaving the actual execution – the part that requires the physical presence – to the automation platform. FX Engines is such a system.

Some trading systems are excellent candidates for complete automation. They have simple rules but may require off-hours trading, frequent trading, or some other element that is ideally suited for automation.

Beyond those systems are more advanced and discretion-driven systems. These kinds of systems require trader intervention at some point. Advanced automated systems like FX Engines allow for this kind of nuanced interaction, but some traders are simply more comfortable knowing their hands are on the wheel. These traders often believe that discretion, or the "art" of trading, is the key element, and since a machine cannot possibly employ the level of nuance a human can, they discount automated trading altogether. Yet there is something in automation for all traders, beginning with the basic trading techniques of automated platforms like FX Engines:
Entry Type Exit Type Best Use
Automated Automated Simple, mechanized systems
Automated Manual Mechanized entry with discretionary exit
Manual Automated Discretionary entry with mechanized exits
Manual Manual Discretionary entry and exit

With FX Engines, all of these options are available, with more on the way. A trader can manually enter an engine but walk away – knowing that the engine's exit signals will take over and direct the trade to its conclusion. The same is true for automated entry – perhaps while during the night – with manual exit at the point in time determined to be the best exit.

A skilled trader can make money using any toolkit, and in some cases systems will simply be outside the realm of complete automation. Some examples of these systems include:

* Event Driven Systems. Since events are spontaneous, manual entry is required for these systems. Still, an automated system can assist event traders by providing complete control after entry has occurred, all the way to the exit of the trade.
* Non-Quantitative Systems. Though technically driven systems have grown in prominence, many traders reply upon fundamental indicators that do not readily lend themselves to automation. In some cases these systems can employ automated entry or exit, and for some the advanced intra-trade tools like FX Engines' Contextual Exits allow for extremely fine, automated control of trades.
* Highly Discretionary Systems. Some traders work off pure feel of the markets, or use little-known chart patterns to dictate their trading choices. In these cases some form of automation will give these traders an edge they did not have access to previously.

What's the best way to know if a system is suitable for automation? Historical testing. Traders can create engines and test them historically, then let the results speak for themselves. Some engines will show dramatic results with no intervention. Other engines may show excellent results but be dominated by "giveback" – a hint that perhaps some manual tweaking is required. A quick look at the actual trades in the historical test report will allow the trader to determine what happened and how they could have possibly intervened to improve the results.

Once engines with a comfortable set of parameters are in place, live testing can begin. Remember, FX Engines' test trades are identical to its live trades, so demo trading with complete automation or with some manual manipulation will replicate live trading conditions. Once tests have successfully met targets, real trading puts the trader in a position to have automated trading techniques like these positively affect the bottom line.

Using automation in combination with discretion as a complementary trading tool is a new idea. Explore it by building mechanized and discretionary engines that take advantage of different trading techniques and optimize the return on your trading efforts.

Build your engines and test them. Take a close look at the results and see what they tell you. Is the engine best suited to total automation? If not, take a look at the results and see where you may have intervened, then factor those changes into your results.

If you find systems that are a perfect fit for automation, great. Set them to test against our live feed and leave them alone. For the engines you suspect might need manual manipulation, set them to test and be sure to follow them when they enter the market. Use FORCE EXIT when you feel that the exit system in place in the engine will pull back too far below your optimal exit point.

Fund your account and get going! Once you've tested with FX Engines you'll have the confidence to trade in a real account. Start with a mini account if you need to, and prove to yourself that this is an automated platform that works. As your success increases, so will your trades, and your profits.

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